We didn't know that the Memorial Hall was closed for major repair works since 1 May 2007.
We really appreciated that we were allowed inside the compound for a short while to take some photos. If not, our trip to the villa would have been completely wasted.
Drilling for oil?
I couldn't help but notice this sign erected inside the compound:
Hmm... I wonder if an MRT line would be built near Wan Qing Yuan? If so, then Dr Sun might have less use for his horse:
We're also a little shocked to see the face of Dr Sun defaced:
Wee Kiat called the white stuff "bird sh*t". But I thought it looked more like the stuff which Ah Long kakis (illegal loan shark runners) would throw on people's doors when they fell behind in debt repayments. It was hard to imagine anyone related to Dr Sun or Wan Qing Yuan having anything with illegal loan sharks though. One thing for sure - in that state, Dr Sun did look like a battled-scarred soldier.
I told Wee Kiat not to worry about the white streaks on Dr Sun's face as they could be easily removed from the photo using a photo-editing software from Adobe called PhotoShop (PS). This was what I did:
So if anyone would like to look 10 years younger, send me a photo and I could do a wrinkle-removal plus a free facelift thrown-in using PS (PhotoShop, not plastic surgery). My fees are much cheaper than those of famous beauty guru Dr Woffles Wu and the results much more lasting.
I believe the same technique was also used to "shave" Mas Selamat Kastari's face. (Mas is currently Singapore's most wanted man. He escaped from custody on 27 Feb 2008 using the pretext of going to the toilet. Like many others, I have also wondered how it could have happened in Singapore where security is supposed to be world-class. Well, maybe he flushed himself into the toilet. Haha.)
Mas Unmasked
Finally, to answer the question posed in the title of this entry - no, Dr Sun didn't have plastic surgery, only PhotoShop.