A tale exactly 16 years old
A boy was born into this world
At Mount Elizabeth Hospital
He was a healthy full-term baby
But the birth wasn't easy
Especially for the first-time mother
From morn till dusk lasted the labour
The doctor was summoned
His Christmas dinner he must have abandoned
Braved the Orchard traffic jams to Mount Elizabeth
Just so he could attend to the childbirth
She pushed and dad tried to urge
Yet the baby refused to emerge
The pain was so unbearable
She was given an epidural
The doctor used forceps, biceps and suction pump
Still the baby remained firmly within the "hump"
The doctor finally made the decision
To deliver by Caesarian section
It was a move that couldn't be delayed
Although this was never said
It turned out to be a right decision
The reason was clear only after the incision
Round the baby's ankle twirled the umblical cord
The baby's life was saved, thank God
He weighed more than 7-pound
More importantly, his health was sound
Words could not describe the parents' joy
When holding for the first time their boy
It was a feeling of ecstasy
Almost one of fantasy
The boy grew up to be quite smart
His good academic results warmed the heart
So did his good behaviour
And his moral character
It is the best Christmas gift ever
For which the parents are grateful forever
Wishing you many more Happy Birthdays
We will love you, always

From: Dad, Mum and ZQ
OMG ur son was born on Xmas day!
Happy birthday to him and Merry Xmas to you and family! :D
GNE - No, he was born on Christmas eve (date of this entry). Didn't have the time to write this post till late at night. Haha.
Thanks for the well-wishes. Same wishes to you too as your birthday is also round the corner.
Hey .. he looks like you. I see you used an old fashioned bamboo baby chair.
I still don't know what GNE stands for??
Chun See - Yes that was a bor kia yee (mother-child chair) which we bought from a furniture shop in Joo Chiat Place 16 years ago. It is still available in some furniture shops today.
Of course he looks like me. That shows that neither the hospital nor my wife made any mistake. Haha.
GNE stands for gan nu er or 干女儿(god-daughter).
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