Perhaps what made the error even more glaring was that the advertisement was put up by Radio 91.3 which "is managed by SPH Unionworks, a subsidiary of Singapore Press Holdings".
I don't know why but there seems to be more such errors occurring in the New Paper as compared to the Straits Times. A case of double standards perhaps?
New Paper is just like a "gossip" newspaper. More fun to read rather than informative. Maybe tt's why they don't place much empahsis on the quality?
Tigerfish - Yes, it is a tabloid and does not report very much on serious news. Perhaps it is the grooming ground for less experienced journalists. Maybe I should be more forgiving hor?
You think the printed media makes mistakes?
Check out Mediacorp and ESPN
Mediacorp is famous for spelling mistakes and ESPN for mixing up its calendar - date does not coincide with day.
Peter - Really? I didn't know that. You mean on their websites or on TV/radio? If it is the latter then it may be understandable, especially for programs which are broadcast live.
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