Obviously, the sender got the wrong number. So I replied:

Bob was apologetic:

But I was playful as ever:

Since Bob didn't object, this short but funny post was written. Bob, thanks for your silent approval for me to write this post. I hope you don't mind as this is just for fun.
You then freaking free arh? And never missed an opportunity to advertise your blog so shamelessly. Goodness. No wonder pple say bloggers are guilty of narcissism. Jizus!
Bob din object? Or perhaps he couldn't care enough to respond to a mindless exchange of smses with an egomaniac....
I see that you've even saved bob's number in your phonebook!
Chris - No, I am not a narcissistic (what does it mean?)blogger but an opportunistic one. I just find it funny that Bob got to identify himself to his dear lor. Hmm... maybe he just got himself a new handphone number hor?
Alex - I saved Bob's number in my phonebook for a reason, okay? That way, I don't have to use photoshop to mask out his handphone number which would otherwise appear in the display in place of his name. (Gosh, do I have to explain all my actions?)
Talking about that, since Bob got my number by mistake, it seems like he didn't save his dear's number in his phonebook. Wonder why? Hmm... yet another mystery. Maybe he is really Bored and not Bob?
Wah, I 2 days dinch come here, you oredi become famous?! Stylo!! Respect respect!! But eh, you damn bad, hor, make fun of this poor Bob! Hahaha!! Was his the deleted comment? :)
Shilpa - No lah, where got famous? If famous, early early famous liao. Dunch have to wait until today.
Anyway, I don't know whether it is fame or infamy. Even if it is the former, I am not eagerly looking forward to it. (Read my comments in the last post.)
Shilpa - Sorry, I forgot to comment about the deleted comment. It was from Chris lah, the forever-changing-his-mind guy. Comment also must submit 2 times.
Was your photo taken? Can't see lah, and some more the last time you post your picture with the golf ball, can't really see your face, so can't tell whether you were identified in the newspaper article.. so stylo!
Shilpa - Yes, the New Paper photographer Mohd Ishak took that photo. I purposely requested for my photo to be taken that way to maintain an air of mystery mah. There are two more earlier "faceless" photos of me here. Hahaha.
Better to see me in real person when you are back lah. (Check your mailbox - I have just sent you an email.)
I had a similar experience except this guy left a message on my cell thanking me for a fantastic night, he left at least 6 messages for me not realizing that I was not the girl he met up with, gathering from his messages he was already married and having an affair with someone at his office, then the best part is that the wife called up and left a message scolding yada yada yada, telling me he'll never leave her for me etc etc. All this time I din know what I shud do, if I call her she sure dun belief me wan, I save all his messages to let my hubby hear, cherry on top of this story - hubby ask if I was sure I no have affair kah? Sheesh!!
Your story is very interesting and really worth blogging than this mindless one about Bob. Obviously, Victor's got too much free time in his hand. If you have no time, ask him to blog lah. Sometime ago, I did a post on something of a similar nature as Victor's post on Bob (but mine not so boh leow. hehe). It was from a young girl (purportedly) of 15 who couldn't wait to turn 16. My friends told me it was quite obvious a solicitation. Read about it here and draw you own conclusion.
Firehorse - Woah, that story was indeed very interesting. Can be made into an opening scene to a "husband-betrays-wife" movie. Much better than Chris' (wrong sms, that is, not that he's betraying his wife, haha).
Sometimes you wonder how is it possible that someone makes a mistake like that? Could it be that the girl didn't enjoy his company and purposely gave him a wrong number so she won't be contactable anymore. And that number unfortunately turned out to be yours. Okay, okay, I think I am reading too much into it again. Don't want to add another cherry to your story. Haha.
Chris - Thanks for that link (and the shameless advertising). I completely forgotten about it (as you know, your blog articles are sometimes erm... quite forgettable, haha).
Hmm... could the reason why you recently changed your handphone number to something "less forgettable" be due to the fact that you don't want "the other party" to make a similar mistake?
Sorry, Victor, I wasn't very clear. My question about your photo was for the newspaper article in Chinese. I see a few faces on the page, just wondering if any of them was supposed to be you! :)
You really lau kok kok leow. Memory so short. I told you I changed the number because my old number very difficult to remember mah ... That's not to say I'm lau. Ok fine, so i also cannot remember the number. But I lau, you more lau. That's a fact. LOL.
Shilpa - Oh I see what you mean. No lah. How can my face be in the Chinese papers when I want to remain 'faceless'? Have to be consistent wat.
The biggest face that you see there is ofChun See, a fellow blogger at yesterday.sg, a Singapore nostalgic blog.
I did a post on something of a similar nature as Victor post on Bob.
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